Thursday, July 5, 2012


I know I'm a little late since yesterday was the 4th, but I had something on my heart to share. Dreams are so important in our life and ministry. The bigger the better. In other words, don't settle for dreams you know can be achieved through you alone. The Father wants to partner with us to see our dreams (which most likely were divinely planted in our heart by Him) to come to fruition. Now clearly the Father is not going to plant a dream in our heart to rob a bank. But he will plant a dream in our heart to show us how we can be prosperous. If you have a dream and it seems impossible, its probably from Him. Through our partnership with Him we I know of atleast two things that will happen. Number one, RELATIONSHIP. The Father wants relationship with his sons and daughters. As we trust him with our dreams and lean on him to show us how they will come true we build relationship with him. There is also things about our character that he wants to develop in the process. Number two, HE WILL BE GLORIFIED. When He steps in to display His power and love over His children, He is glorified. When we look around at what He had done and realize we would have never gotten there without His love and power, He is glorified. The founding fathers had a dream........FREEDOM. I saw a biographical movie some time ago on the life of John Adams. I was amazed to learn that the Declaration of Independence was not unanimous. There was quite a bit of opposition to it. They never gave up, though. For many the freedom from England was a spiritual journey just as much as a natural one. Even John Adams had originally not wanted to break free from England. That was until God planted a dream in his heart. When it was done, the Father was glorified. He continues, even to this day, to be glorified for what happened that 4th day in July, 1776. I say all this because this morning I have some pretty big dreams for my life and for ministry. That hadn't always been the case. I used to believe that dreams were pointless and unrealistic. A pastor one day, challenged us to make a dream list. I did. At first I struggled to come up with 10. Now I have 50 something things on my list. I never realized how many dreams were within me. This morning these dreams are on my mind. I'm not asking Him, when they will come to fruition. My prayer is, " I trust you with these dreams. I praise YOU for all you have done, are doing, and will do to fulfill these dreams. I also pray that in this time, as I wait, that I will experience more of YOU than ever before."

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